Chemical attacks: How to identify them by symptom. Chemical attacks rarely happen state side, but history tells us that chemical weapons have been used quite frequently over the past century. Most notably in other nations. As terrorist domestic and international grow in size, so does the possibility of a terrorist …
Read More »Do you know what to do if protesters surround your car?
Do you know what to do if protesters surround your car? Hello. There has been a massive influx of traffic to my website and I’m trying to figure out where the traffic is coming from. If you’re reading this please leave a message in the comments telling me where exactly …
Read More »You will NEVER guess what the FBI did to another for the SAME crime Hillary committed!
Hillary, Hillary Hillary. The FBI has given in to political pressure just as all Federal Law Enforcement agencies have been forced to do by this Administration. It’s a sad day for the once proud FBI Agents and leadership and for this Nation. You will NEVER guess what the FBI did …
Read More »Riots & Looting: Ferguson Chaos Example of American Decay (led by a race baiting president)
Lets visit Ferguson. Ferguson is a small town outside of St. Louis with a population of around 21,000. With a number that small you wouldn’t think it to be possible for such wide scale looting and massive rioting. But that’s exactly what happened Sunday August 10th in Ferguson. Fires, riots …
Read More »Prepping with Guard Dogs & Attack Dogs – Top 10 K9 choices
Many dogs are naturally territorial in nature. Prepping with Guard Dogs can vary by owner. With that said you do not need a German Shepherd to have a good guard dog present. A guard dog can be a smaller breed of dog such as a Jack Russell Terrier or even a …
Read More »A failure to protect our borders is a failure to society
Hundreds of immigrant minors flock to the states and your heart strings tug. But whats behind door number two? Are illegal immigrants and open borders proposing a great threat to our society and way of life? It depends on who you ask? Some scream to open the borders. Others quietly …
Read More »13 unlucky signs the middle class has died + Half the country makes under 28k
The middle class has been shrinking for 30 years and it might as well have met its demise. Do you make more than 27 thousand dollars a year? If so then you are literally doing better than half of the nation financially. As per the Social Security Administration wage statistics …
Read More »DIY: How to make your own pepper spray
Before I say anything else I say this. Pepper Spray like any other weapon is nothing more than a defensive weapon. You cant just go around macing people as fun as that may sound to some of the readers here. Unless you are getting robbed, beat up or otherwise justified …
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