The Big Big Survival Guide

I’m bored. I’m going to give a crack at writing my own book. Whoa! That’s right. My fiance will probably leave me over this, it keeps me going late at night when I should be sleeping. Its going to be a preppers book to guide them in situations when S#!t hits the fan. It will be introductory in nature when possible to bring in a novice audience but hopefully detailed enough at times for people who make this a way of life.

Primary objectives will be to teach readers how to store food, conserve water properly, protect your family, among many others as well as how to make a personally tailored SHTF plan. I intend on creating a E-book when it is complete, selling it at a modest price. If it takes off then I may seek a publisher. This may be complete before 2014 I hope. Enjoy.

Untitled (Help me out)

Chapter 1: Educate On Collapse – A Breakdown of Disaster (Sneak Peak)
Chapter 2: Stay Alive (Coming Soon)