In America alone roughly 700 people die each year from hypothermia. I don’t know my body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If your temperature drops under 95 degrees Fahrenheit hypothermia is none present. This happens when your body has trouble producing enough heat to match the heat escaping your body. Symptoms usually develops slowly which leaves victims of hypothermia unaware that they are falling victim to the cold that surrounds them. Symptoms of hypothermia often include a loss of motor skills, mental capacity, mumbling, slow breathing, fatigue, slurred speech as well as cold and pale skin. If not treated it can lead to your death.
Strange as it may sound, up to 50% of all people in hypothermia related deaths or in conjunction with what is known as paradoxical undressing. Still a mystery in the medical field, paradoxical undressing is a condition where the victim feels extremely hot, while his temperature actually falls to deadly levels. Naturally the person would begin to shut off clothing to come back the feeling of heat exhaustion, only to quit in the bodies freeze until death. It is safe to assume the path to self destruction here is led by the impaired judgement and confusion caused by hypothermia.
Being an extremely cold temperatures without the proper clothing, wet clothing, or exposing oneself to very cold water can all lead to hypothermia. Preventive actions include wearing clothing such as gloves, hats, footwear and whatever else recommended to meet your environments elements. Exerting yourself to the point of sweating in cold conditions is also very risky and sweat eventually loses its warmth, becomes cold and more dangerously still, wets your clothes. Change your clothing as soon as possible if you become wet for any reason.
Treating hypothermia is as simple as moving to a warm environment if possible. Remove all wet clothing, share body heat and drink warm beverages. Place insulation between you and any cold surface. Never for any reason drink alcoholic beverages, apply heat using pads / lamps or even massage the skin.